CONNECTing customers with Manufacturers. Arlenco distribution does a pretty good job of making friends. We may not always be able to keep a customer (unfortunately), but that doesn’t always mean that we’re viewed as enemies. Our staff is generally friendly and reliable. Most importantly, when we offer BBQ and customers know about it, they show up!
When I look at my history with Arlenco (and this industry on the whole), I inevitably come to a conclusion when it comes to products, services, and customers. Good products matter, of course, but I think most can agree that’s not what always dictates the products that go in to an installation. Don’t believe me? Consider the problems Qolsys has had with secondary keypads. Despite this, Qolsys excels in other ways and continues to sell panels. Great management, great support, and terrific sales efforts are a testimony to this.
My conclusion is this: if manufacturers want to sell their products, they need to get their products as much [good] exposure as possible. The sales people who don’t believe this invariably come beating down our doors asking why their products aren’t selling more. True, we’re aggressive at marketing products to our customers, but the only thing that guarantees the manufacturer has a [GOOD] image with customers is positive face-time with customers.
Picture this: you can have anywhere from 50 to 250 DIFFERENT customers exposed to your product/service, but you choose to have that exposure given to your competitors. Your logic? “I know all the customers and I can personally visit and pitch my product to them.” True? Yes, but to achieve that kind of exposure for ANY product is difficult, EVEN if it were only 25 different customers. Still; the exposure that coincides with amazing BBQ and sated stomachs is unquantifiable when compared to maybe 4 interactions in a 4 day span.
Publicity sells; it’s simple.
We’re excited to host bbq’s in SL and Portland this year, and we’re eager to host bbq’s in our other locations as time and willingness to participate permits. We do our best to notify and invite customers out. This year may be different, but we’re not expecting much less than we’ve had in years past.
If you’re on the receiving end of Arlenco’s services and products, COME IN FOR FREE BBQ. Please, talk to the manufacturers who have made the effort to show up and showcase their products! Talk to them and ask them about their products. You may be shocked to find which products are excelling in todays market and who is having the most success with product fulfillment.
Until August 11th in SL, or August 26th in Portland, Cheers!